Retirement Tool Kit Summary

My 7 Best Retirement Planning Tips (2)

Retirement PlanTip 1: Let’s make a retirement plan

Retirement planning is about thinking about your goals—then making sure you achieve them.

Whether you want to travel, spend more time on the golf course, help your grand kids with their college education, or build your legacy, your retirement plan is there to make your post-work life exciting and rewarding.

If you want to enjoy retirement, it’s easy to get started. Take me to tip #1

Retirement SavingsTip 2: Estimating the size of your nest egg

Your retirement plan isn’t complete until you estimate how much money you’ll need to enjoy your golden years. The number can be complicated to work out–especially since financial experts have different opinions about how much is enough.

Go to tip #2 and I’ll make the job easy for you with a handy retirement check-up calculator. Take me to tip #2

TSave more for retirementip 3: Boost your retirement savings

Are you juggling competing financial priorities (you know, paying down debt, saving for your kids’ education AND putting enough away for retirement)? Do you want to retire
early? Or have charitable causes you care about?

If yes, you may need a few “tricks” up your sleeve to boost your retirement savings. Take me to tip #3

Asset allocationTip 4: Asset allocation and risk management

I’m sure you’ve heard that financial investments have a certain amount of risk. But did you know there’s a way to manage that risk? It’s called asset allocation, a complicated term describing one of the cornerstones of retirement planning.

Learn more in my fourth tip. Take me to tip #4

social security and retirement planningTip 5: Top questions and answers about Social Security

Social security is part of almost every American’s retirement incomes. However, if you’re like most people, you probably have a few questions, such as how much will you get, when can you start collecting, and what happens if you retire early.

Get answers with this retirement tip. Take me to tip #5

Estate Planning | Legacy PlanningTip 6: Leaving a financial legacy

In our sixth tip about retirement planning, I’ll provide you with a few suggestions on how to leave your assets to whom you want, when you want, and the way you want in the most tax efficient manner possible.

While the mechanics of estate planning are easy, the entire process requires a lot of thought and planning. Take me to tip #6

planning retirementTip 7: Making the leap into retirement

Before you retire, you need to think about your lifestyle, not just your finances. In my final tip, I’ll give you a list of questions to help you understand the lifestyle you want once you quit working.

After all, more than anything retirement is about enjoying life. Take me to tip #7

Do you need help implementing these tips?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, or want a second opinion on the retirement plan you’ve started, I can help.

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