Straight Talk Financial Blog
How does a Solo 401(k) plan work?
The 401(k) is one of the most well-known retirement vehicles out there. And as an employee, it’s a fantastic way to...
Succession Planning for Family owned Businesses
What exactly is succession planning? At a general level, succession planning is the process through which a business...
Is Williamsburg VA a good place to retire?
If you're nearing retirement, you're probably starting to think more seriously about where you would like to retire...
The Different Types of IRAs
Investing, Retirement Planning
Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) offer a way to save for retirement. In a general sense, IRAs are dependent on...
Best Retirement Plan Options for Self-Employed Business Owners
Having a financial plan for the post-retirement years is everyone's dream. With a long-term personal financial...
How to Reduce Your Virginia State Income Tax
What is it they say? There are two things you can count on in life, death, and taxes? Paying taxes is part of the...
How to Write Your Retirement Resignation Letter
Every day 10 thousand people in the US turn 65. They're becoming the fastest-growing segment of the population. With...
Planning for Inflation
As the pandemic recedes, inflation has come to the forefront of economic news. The inflation rate in the U.S. hit 8.3...
Is Virginia a Good State for Retirement?
18.9% of new residents moving and living in Virginia are retirees. What makes Virginia's life so appealing? If you're...